Updated 7/14/19

We’ve got 7 important updates that affect you directly, so please read!


The November 2019 PRO Partner Conference has been cancelled due to a number of unforeseen and significant issues. The good news is that we are going to approach our face-to-face annual meetings a little differently going forward. We will be organizing a Meet and Greet get-together during StonExpo each year (January / Las Vegas). Most Partners go anyway, so you won’t need to have any additional travel costs, hotel costs, or time away from work! Stay tuned for updates.  Oh, and don’t worry that you will be missing out on the very valuable messages/presentations that were planned for the conference in November. They will be still be done… but they will be presented as online webinars throughout the year.


This is important. Please take a moment to check it out!

The new Partner Benefits Brochure includes a quick reference checklist of your benefits right at the beginning to see all your benefits at a glance. It’s essential for us to make sure you know what is being done for you and to keep you informed so you can take full advantage of everything you are entitled to as a PRO Partner.

We are going to have the new PBB printed and mailed to you soon, but here is where you can always find the digital (PDF) version: https://backstage.surfacecarepros.com/partner-benefits-overview.pdf


We contracted a few months back with a safety video company. Now, PRO Partners have a library of safety videos at their fingertips. This valuable benefit of your SAFE membership makes it even easier to fully comply with your legally mandated requirements to have a Health and Safety program for your employees. Just log into your account at www.safeandcompliant.net to access the video library.

Have questions about this very valuable PRO Partner benefit? Contact your Partner Manager (PM), Doug Smith.


It’s taken months for this one to be developed but it is already a game changer! The ZOHO CRM module of this program is helping our entire team easily keep up to date and stay on the same page for every PRO Partner.

–ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Partner Portal: https://books.zoho.com/portal/surphaces/login 

The new ZOHO accounting system, officially implemented July 1st, will provide you with a PRO Partner portal page where you can view your Surface Care PROS financial documents – quotes, orders, and invoices.

–PARTNER DESK:  https://desk.zoho.com/portal/backstage/

We would like all PRO Partners to submit their requests or issues through the new Partner Desk ticket system, but if you want to call in your request to your PM, that’s ok, too. It will still be entered into the Partner Desk program and a ticket will be created. This ticket system enables us to immediately address issues and requests in an efficient and organized way. It also provides you with a portal to view pending tickets and communicate with us about the ticket.

The Partner Desk is also one of the places where you will find the contact info for your support team members.

TIP: Save a shortcut on your desktop to the Partner Desk. (But you can always go to backstage.surphaces.com and click on the Partner Desk link there.)

Note: Look for the Knowledge Base (KB) to be populated over time with questions and their answers pertinent to you.

5. BACKSTAGE IS NOW LIVE! (https://Backstage.surphaces.com)

The new Backstage is live. (We went ahead and took it live to give you access, even though we are still working on it.)

Backstage is where you will go to view your Partner benefits and resources. It also provides a link to the Partner Desk, Accounting Portal, and SafeandCompliant.net. Some pages / features are still being added, so if you have questions about anything you can’t find, just let us know.


Migrating Partner sites to the new, bigger, badder, faster server has been a long process and it’s finally done. We have also been systematically getting an SSL Certificate on all PRO Partner sites that we host. You may not know how important this is, but trust us, it’s so important that we decided to eat the cost and just do it for all! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.


We have updated the Stone and Tile Care Guide and are in the process of updating every Partner’s site with their new and improved care guide.


MORE Anti-Etch

Are you offering MORE Anti-Etch services? Please let us know. We are currently offering—for no cost—adding a page on your site to feature your MORE Anti-Etch services. Please submit a ticket or contact your Partner Manager if you would like to take advantage of this.

Need training and certification in this system? Contact Stu Rosen at MB Stone PRO. Make sure he knows you are a PRO Partner to get your discount!

Need brochures for this or your other specialized services? Contact us through the Partner Desk.

Want to set up brochure stations at fabrication shops, etc. as part of building your referral network? We have great ideas for you. Contact Debbie or Craig to discuss.